Digital Skills Corner – Organise your files!
Did you ever lose the most recent version of a file or you just downloaded something and could not find it? Or that you lost track of all the references needed for your assignment? Ever wondered whether there is a safer way to share files with your peers?

Master file organisation at the Digital Skills Corner!
We are here to help! In this month’s edition of the Digital Skills Corner we will dive into file and reference organisation. We will also show you some tricks on how to safely share files! You will get tips on file organisation, an introduction to reference managers (EndNote and Zotero) and learn about surfdrive. Â
You will learn about:Â
- Basics of file organisationÂ
- Basics of reference managers Â
- Safe ways to share filesÂ
For this session: Please bring your laptop so you can practice.Â
Why join? This session is a great opportunity to tidy and organise your digital files and references. Especially when starting a bigger project, like your thesis it is the perfect moment on where and how you organise and store your digital files. And of course, you can also come and ask any other pressing question related to Digital Skills. Â
Digital Skills CornerÂ
This session is part of the Digital Skills Corner, a new collaboration pilot between ICTS and the UM Library. During monthly walk-in sessions, students have the opportunity to improve their basic digital skills. In an accessible and personal setting, students can ask IT-related questions, and each session will also cover a specific theme.Â
Do you have any questions about the Digital Skills Corner or want to suggest a topic for future sessions? Please contact us via Ask Your Librarian.Â
Target group:Â Students, mainly first year, but everyone who has a question or wants to learn is welcome.
Capacity: max. 30 participants
Language: English, questions can also be asked in Dutch
Workshop format: Short presentation with Q&A in the Randwyck Library (exact location to be decided). The session takes 1 hour.
Frequency of the workshop: monthly
Upcoming sessions in the series:
- March/April: Make the most of Word during your thesis. We provide you with practical examples on using Microsoft Word in your research – from tracking changes to making content tables.
Available spaces: 22/ 30
Fill in this form to register for this event.