More study places available as of Monday 30 August

More study places available as of Monday 30 August

26 Aug 2021

Starting Monday 30 August, and taking into account all safety measures, the University Library is opening up more study facilities. In total, over 2200 study places will be available at the UM campus.

Bookable and non-bookable study places

Approximately 50% of the study places at the Inner City Library and 20% at the Randwyck Library will be bookable. The booking system will open as of tomorrow morning, 27 August. The rest of the study places are freely accessible without a reservation. If you want to study at Paul-Henri Spaak, UM Sports, Tapijn or Tapijn Loods V, you also do not need to book a study place in advance. Don’t forget to bring your UM card to get access to the library locations.

You will find the bookable places in the Inner City Library in building C:

In the Randwyck Library, the bookable places are on the third floor:

Safety measures

Please be aware to wear a face mask when entering and walking around in the building. If you sit down somewhere, it may be taken off.

More information

Check also the opening hours and University Library COVID-19 FAQ for more information.



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Library update

  • Last updated: 30/08/21