OCL – Oxford Competition Law
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OCL – Oxford Competition Law
Database info
Oxford Competition Law, an online national competition law case-reporting service, provides results of competitive analysis, including key commentaries published by Oxford University Press on European competition law, with links to case law and doctrine, such as the commentaries of
- Bellamy & Child: European Union Law of Competition, Vivien Rose and David Bailey
- Bellamy & Child: European Union Law of Competition: Second Cumulative Supplement to the Seventh Edition, Laura Elizabeth John and Jon Turner QC
- Faull & Nikpay: The EU Law of Competition, Jonathan Faull, Ali Nikpay, and Deirdre Taylor
- Competition Law, Richard Whish and David Bailey
- EU Merger Control: A Legal and Economic Analysis, Ioannis Kokkoris & Howard Shelanski
- European Union Law of State Aid, Kelyn Bacon
- EU Competition Procedure, Luis Ortiz Blanco
- Global Antitrust Compliance Handbook, D. Daniel Sokol, Daniel Crane, and Ariel Ezrachi
- Horizontal Agreements and Cartels in EU Competition Law, Frank Wyckmans and Filip Tuytschaever
The commentaries are enriched with related peer-reviewed case reports for competition cases at National level in European member states, in addition to key cases at EU level and analysis from member states of the European Union. It also offers translations into English of the key portions of foreign language judgments. New editions of these commentaries will be added as they are published and new case reports are added on a regular basis to OCL.
Furthermore, OCL includes the majority of relevant EU source material cited in the commentaries and case reports, or contains clear linking to the original source. The materials are annotated with references back to the relevant portion of commentary in Bellamy & Child and Faull & Nikpay.
OCL contains a number of different types of content: European National Court and NCA decisions, books, EU directives and regulations, European Commission recommendations, guidelines and notices, multilateral treaties.
The Oxford Law Citator provides access to the report of the decision and links to other records in the Citator which map relationships between decisions, instruments and commentary.
Oxford Competition Law biedt toegang tot de online versies van de gerenommeerde commentaren van
- Bellamy & Child: European Union Law of Competition
- Faull & Nikpay: The EU Law of Competition
- Whish & Bailey: Competition Law
- Ioannis Kokkoris & Howard Shelanski: EU Merger Control: A Legal and Economic Analysis
- Kelyn Bacon: European Union Law of State Aid, 2e
- Laura Elizabeth John: Bellamy & Child: European Union Law of Competition Supplement to the Seventh Edition
De genoemde bronnen zijn verrijkt met gerelateerde nationale jurisprudentie èn analyses van de lidstaten van de Europese Unie. Daarnaast zijn de belangrijkste Europeesrechtelijke bronnen op het gebied van mededingingsrecht geïntegreerd
OCL wordt dagelijks geüpdatet en bevat een mogelijkheid tot attendering via RSS feeds.