History of Science, Technology and Medicine
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History of Science, Technology and Medicine
Database info
The History of Science, Technology and Medicine™ database is the definitive international bibliography for these fields. It reflects their influence on society and culture from prehistory to the present and offers outstanding value for interdisciplinary research.
History of Science, Technology and Medicine integrates four separate bibliographies:
- Isis Current Bibliography of the History of Science
- Current Bibliography in the History of Technology
- Bibliografia Italiana di Storia della Scienza
- Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine.
The database includes journal articles, conference proceedings, books, book reviews, maps, dissertations and other related materials in all scientific disciplines and related fields since 1975.
Many areas integral to the history of science, technology and medicine are covered including, but not limited to: biological sciences, computer and information sciences, engineering, geography, mathematics, medicine, neurosciences, pharmacy, physics, psychiatry, public health and technology.
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