Annual Plan
2019 - 2020Introduction
Knowledge is what the University Library is all about. Students become acquainted with the most recent scientific developments, teachers offer them a study environment in which learning and knowledge development is central and researchers produce new knowledge. The University Library has the task of ensuring that this knowledge is used; the keys and (open) locks symbolise this task: best use is only possible with ample availability, good access and tools to make use of knowledge.
In the 2019/2020 academic year, we focus on 4 themes that are important to our users: learning spaces, educational support, research support and scientific information. We do so in a changing environment: growing student numbers and new educational programmes such as Global Studies and Digital Society which are starting at Maastricht University (UM). Research in (data) sciences and at the Brightland campuses is growing in size and importance. Outside UM, the pressure on the open use of scientific knowledge is increasing and the Internet offers a great platform for sharing knowledge.