StatLine (CBS)

Statline is the Dutch Central Statistics Office database.
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StatLine (CBS)

Statline is the Dutch Central Statistics Office database.

Database info

It offers a wealth of figures about the Dutch economy and society. The data is arranged by theme but searching by keyword is also possible. The result is a list of tables in which your search term appears. You can then refine this list based on theme, regional division or reporting year. It is also possible with StatLine to create graphs and maps at the touch of a button. Adjusting and switching between graphs is also possible. This is easy to do with handy icons. This makes the CBS figures easy to visually present and share.

Open data
The more than 4,600 datasets can also be accessed via the CBS Data Portal. Large amounts of figures can be downloaded. Information about automated queries of datasets from Statline is also available via the Open Data Portal.
More information or go directly to the open portal.

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Guides & training


StatLine User Manual


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