Business Source Complete (EBSCO)

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Business Source Complete (EBSCO)
Database info
Business Source Complete offers comprehensive full-text coverage plus indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals, dating back as far as 1886. Besides journal articles, the database provides detailed company information for more than 1.1 million of the world’s largest public and private companies.
Most titles are full text available (back to 1886); some only have abstract and table of content. Some full-text titles have an embargo period, meaning there is a delay in publication through EBSCO. This delay can be between 1 and 36 months.
Create your personalised MyEBSCO Account. With this account, you can save preferences, organize your research with folders, share your folders with others, view others’ folders, save and retrieve your search history, create email alerts and/or RSS feeds and gains access to your saved research remotely.

Guides & training
Exporting references from EBSCO to EndNote (PDF manual)