
Dalloz-Bibliotheque.fr is a French (language) legal database which offers online access to more than 3300 digital works from the major Dalloz collections in their latest edition.
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Dalloz-Bibliotheque.fr is a French (language) legal database which offers online access to more than 3300 digital works from the major Dalloz collections in their latest edition.

Database info

Dalloz-Bibliotheque.fr is a French (language) legal database of digital works in private and public law. It offers online access to more than 3300 digital works from the major Dalloz collections in their latest edition: Dalloz codes, university textbooks (Précis, Cours, HyperCours, Lexiques…), revision works (Mementos, Aide-Mémoire…) or professional works (Dalloz Action, Encyclopédie Delmas…).

To start your search, click on “Se connecter” in the upper right corner.

ATTENTION, once on the Dalloz Library platform, click on “Feuilleter l’ouvrage” at the top right of the page to access the full text of the books.

The consultation is done by browsing and all the books are printable and downloadable.

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