
Dalloz-Bibliotheque.fr is a French (language) legal database which offers online access to more than 2500 digital works from the major Dalloz collections in their latest edition.
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Dalloz-Bibliotheque.fr is a French (language) legal database which offers online access to more than 2500 digital works from the major Dalloz collections in their latest edition.

Database info

Dalloz-Bibliotheque.fr is a French (language) legal database of digital works in private and public law. It offers online access to more than 2500 digital works from the major Dalloz collections in their latest edition: Dalloz codes, university textbooks (Précis, Cours, HyperCours, Lexiques…), revision works (Mementos, Aide-Mémoire…) or professional works (Dalloz Action, Encyclopédie Delmas…).

To start your search, click on “Se connecter” in the upper right corner.

ATTENTION, once on the Dalloz Library platform, click on “Feuilleter l’ouvrage” at the top right of the page to access the full text of the books.

The consultation is done by browsing and all the books are printable and downloadable.

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Guides & training


There are three ways to find a digital work in Dalloz-Bibliothèque.fr:

  1. Dalloz lists the latest works consulted as well as the latest works published in the first block at the top of the page, entitled ‘Les dernières parutions en ligne’. Just click on the thumbnail to open the e-book. 
  2. The second way is to carry out a search using the form located in the second block in the middle of the page, entitled ‘Rechercher dans DALLOZ Bibliothèque’.
    This form allows a simple search either in free text, either on the title of the work or by author’s name.A link to a form of advanced search is also included in this block, allowing you to specify a search by function of three fields (in the form of a drop-down list): Domain, Material and Collection.


  3. Finally, the third way is to browse the catalogue via a three-choice option in the bottom block of the page, entitled ‘Parcourir le catalogue’. 

List of results

In the first block (‘Mes ouvrages’), the digital works are divided into two clickable tabs, presenting book covers as thumbnails (see Figure 1).

After a search via the form ‘Rechercher dans DALLOZ Bibliothèque’:

  • the search leads directly to the document searched for, in which case the record is displayed (which may be the case after a title search)
  • the search query yields several results, in which case a list is displayed with bibliographic information, a distribution of the words in the search equation according to pages and a viewer to view the pages thus identified. To view the bibliographic record, simply click on the title of the work.

The record of the book is displayed after a click on the selected title.

Viewing documents

Once the title of the digital work has been identified you have to click on it to display its record:

Simply click on the ‘Consulter l‘ouvrage’ logo to read the document.

Retrieving documents

Tools available to readers in the reader menu:

  • Afficher le plan: refers to the table of contents.
  • Sélectionner et copier du texte: tool offering a selection tool.
  • Partager: sends a link as a URL address by email.
  • Imprimer: page selection module opens, click on each page to be printed.
  • Diaporama: displays the pages as thumbnails.
  • Options: Opens a menu to change the display mode.

Manual  (in French language)


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