Global Health (EBSCO)

Global Health is a database that provides a truly global perspective on public health, by indexing key literature that is not covered by other databases.
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Global Health (EBSCO)

Global Health is a database that provides a truly global perspective on public health, by indexing key literature that is not covered by other databases.

Database info

The Global Health database content is relevant to all aspects of public health, on a local, international, and regional level. What sets this particular academic database apart is its high level of non-western-focused journals/resources (academic and grey literature), accounting for more than 60% of its content.

Research subjects include:

  • Biomedical life sciences
  • Chronic diseases
  • Diagnosis and therapy of disease
  • Environmental and occupational health
  • Epidemiology and biostatistics
  • Health promotion
  • Health systems
  • Infectious diseases and parasitology
  • Nutrition
  • Public health
  • Public health emergencies
  • Tropical and international health

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Guides & training

For information on how to conduct a basic or advanced search in this database, we refer to the following videos and guides:


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