On this page
Database info
HeinOnline provides access to the full text of a range of, mainly American, legal resources. Coverage ranges from the mid-19th century to the present.
For coverage of specific journals click on ‘Law Journal library’. An alphabetical list of journal titles along with a detail of coverage for each title will be shown.
It is important to select the correct collection or library of materials by choosing the relevant collection on the main page.
In the basic search bar, you can narrow down the search result by filtering by
- Author
- Title
- Citation
- Catalog.
If you are searching for a known citation or title, the basic search option is likely to be adequate. For more complex searches, especially full-text searches, browsing through the collection or using the advanced search option may be more useful.
PathFinder, a suite of browse and search tools for subject-specific research. At the core of PathFinder is a multi-level subject taxonomy organised from the ground up based on our initial list of 1,500 “topics.” Now called Subjects, these granular research concepts have been categorised into increasingly broad levels. Need more information, check out the Pathinder Libguide.
Citation Navigator (Citation Navigator tab in the navigation bar): by entering the volume number, selecting the journal from the pull-down menu and entering a page number, the researcher will quickly locate the exact page within the collection. Each journal article has been scanned and contains the full content and layout of the original document. Every word of each journal is searchable.
MyHein: allows you to save your personal research and store it in your own personal space using a username and password. With MyHein, you can bookmark articles, save search queries, and organize and create your own tags. You can link your Google and MyHein accounts, allowing Google, via Google Single Sign-On (SSO), to instantly log you into MyHein as soon as you start your research. You can have access to HeinOnline on your iPhone/iPad with the HeinOnline App.
Guides & training
HeinOnline Help & Training A Knowledge Base of guides, videos & articles about using the database effectively.
How to Get Started in HeinOnline
HeinOnline’s LibGuides home page
Export options for e.g. EndNote
Author Profile Page This feature makes it easy for authors of law review articles to showcase a list of their works, as well as citation and access statistics, similar to those at SSRN.