International Encyclopaedia for Labour Law and Industrial Relations (IEL Labour Law)
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International Encyclopaedia for Labour Law and Industrial Relations (IEL Labour Law)
Database info
The International Encyclopaedia for Labour Law and Industrial Relations provides essential information for the international business and labour relations communities, supports comparative research in the field, and contributes to the ongoing harmonisation of labour law and standards globally. Featuring well over a hundred detailed country monographs, international monographs, and European Works Council monographs, it stands as the most comprehensive work of its kind available.
Each national monograph, authored by experts from the respective country, covers crucial aspects of labour law, including:
- Rights and responsibilities of parties during employment;
- Working hours, holidays, and leave entitlements;
- Pay and benefits;
- Incapacity to work;
- Protection against discrimination;
- Non-compete agreements;
- Dispute resolution;
- Freedom of association;
- Strikes, lock-outs, and other legal forms of industrial action.
Both individual and collective labour relations are explored, with attention to emerging trends in employer-employee relationships. International monographs address standards established by leading international organisations, while European Works Council monographs report on the implementation of the Directive on European Works Councils across various jurisdictions.
The International Encyclopaedia of Laws is peer-reviewed under the responsibility of the editors and the general editor’s office.
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