Oxford Language Dictionaries Online

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Oxford Language Dictionaries Online
Database info
The ‘Oxford Language Dictionaries Online’ offers a fully searchable, completely comprehensive multilingual set of dictionaries.
It covers four modern languages:
- French-English, English-French (Currently featuring over 360,000 words and phrases and over 550,000 translations from the Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary, fourth edition)
- German-English, English-German (Currently featuring over 320,000 words and phrases and over 520,000 translations from the Oxford German Dictionary, third edition)
- Italian-English, English-Italian (Currently featuring over 300,000 words and phrases and over 450,000 translations from the Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary, second edition)
- Spanish-English, English-Spanish (Currently featuring over 300,000 words and phrases and 500,000 translations from the Oxford Spanish Dictionary, fourth edition)
The site will be updated twice a year. Each dictionary available on the site will be updated at least once a year with new words and/or new supplementary material.
Contextual clues and examples are available. A quick search box on every page to find translations fast. Advanced search options to search the full text of the dictionary, or restrict a search to specific parts of speech, subject area, or language register. Boolean searches. Browsing possibilities using alphabetical entry lists. A list of other entries which include your search term will be displayed. Click-through explanations of phonetic symbols and mouse-over explanations of parts of speech. Inserting accented characters (or letters from a different alphabet) using a handy virtual keyboard. ‘Did you mean’ feature can help you find the entry you’re looking for.
Multilingual dictionary. Print, email, cite or link all entries. In order to provide practical help with writing the dictionary offers access to hundreds of correspondence templates including sample letters, emails, CVs, and résumés. Since November 2009 also file tab for the multilingual Oxford Language Web.

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