Scopus offers bibliographical access to a curated collection of scholarly resources in all academic disciplines. It contains over 94 million records, including journal articles, preprints, conferences proceedings and books.

On this page
Scopus offers bibliographical access to a curated collection of scholarly resources in all academic disciplines. It contains over 94 million records, including journal articles, preprints, conferences proceedings and books.
Database info
Scopus is Elsevier’s general abstract and citation database, covering a wide variety of resources across all academic disciplines. See the information on Scopus’ website or in the Content coverage guide for a full description of the content. Full-text access to articles is restricted to Open Access articles and to NON-OA articles in journals to which University Maastricht subscribes. Currently, over 20 million open access records are available on Scopus.
Use Scopus to:
- Find scholarly articles, conference proceedings and reviews
- Find citations and conduct a further search based on the citations you found
- Check how many times and by who publications have been cited
- Author citation reports.
When you have found an article, you may find more literature by:
- ‘Cited by’: gives a list of publications referring to this article
- ‘References’ and ‘view references’ options: gives a list of publications referred to in the (selected) articles
- ‘Related records’: gives an overview of publications containing overlapping literature references
- Clicking on the name of the author, in order to get more publications by this particular author.

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