
On this page
Database info
WestlawNext is a database of law publications from the UK, the European Union, the US, the Commonwealth and a few other jurisdictions. It includes arbitration awards, books, (International Court of Justice) cases, journals, legislation, treaties, and WTO/GATT decisions.
There are two libraries on this platform; one containing United States material, one containing international material. You can navigate between the two libraries.
United States material
To access material from the US click on Thomson Reuters Westlaw at the top left or on the Home link. Use the browse option to navigate to different types of content from a number of collections. The search option at the top of the screen searches across all collections of US material.
International material
To search the international materials collection (includes Canada, EU, UK, Commonwealth, other jurisdictions) click on International Materials on the right-hand side of the Thomson Reuters Westlaw home page.

Guides & training
- WestlawNext Getting Started Guide
- WestlawNext User Guides
- Find & Print Quick Reference Guide
- Guide to Law Review Research
- Dockets Quick Reference Guide
- How to check citations
This quick reference guide will help you understand how to use KeyCite® to check your
citations by retrieving the history of a case and viewing a list of cases and other sources
that cite the case. - WestlawNext Training
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