Westlaw UK

On this page
Westlaw UK
Database info
Westlaw UK covers UK legislation, full-text case law, journal archives, legal news, and also provides access to UK Civil Procedures, EU cases, treaties and directives and daily alerting service.
You can search or browse across all content types, or limit to a specific content type (e.g. cases or legislation). The search box will suggest what you might be looking for – it will suggest topics, titles and key terms and phrases. You can also browse topics to find key documents (including cases and legislation), and track the latest and future developments via an interactive calendar.
- Cases
The Cases tab opens up to Cases Home and gives you the option to search for specific cases by Free Text, Subject/Keyword, Party Names or Citation. The next two tabs in the second layer provide browsing options, so you can browse by a court or by law report series title. The fourth tab allows you to search for Quantum Reports.
- Legislation
Clicking the Legislation tab takes you to Legislation Home and allows access to consolidated primary and secondary legislation for the UK, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Westlaw Bills & Draft Legislation content provide clear and concise access to the full text, progress tracking and proposed amendments to enacted legislation from Westminster and Scottish Parliament. Seamlessly access integrated HMRC manuals and other regulatory and guidance materials, including circulars, parliamentary papers and practice directions.
- Journals
The Journals tab is where you can find full-text UK legal journal articles from major publishers such as Sweet & Maxwell, Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press.You can also link to over half a million article abstracts from UK and EU legal journals.
You can also go straight to a Journal or Law Report by running a seach for the title of the publication on the homepage. As you type, suggested Law Reports and Journals will appear. When you click any of these, you will be taken to the publication with the latest entries appearing first in reverse chronological order.
- Index of Legal Terms
The Index of Legal Terms tab provides definitions of legal terms across Jowitt’s, Stroud’s and Osborn’s legal dictionaries or within legislation, cases and journals with links to leading authorities. - European Union materials
The EU tab gives you the option to access primary and secondary legislation, case law, preparatory acts, parliamentary questions, information and notices in the Official Journals C Series and national measures.

Guides & training
Reference Materials
Westlaw UK Advanced Training (Video 22:29)
EndNote on Westlaw UK
Westlaw UK enables users to export journal references to EndNote. Currently it is only possible to export journal references to EndNote from the Journals section of Westlaw UK.
- Make sure that you have clicked the option for Journals. Enter your search terms and click on Search
- From the search results, select the references you want to download
- Click the drop arrow next to the delivery options icon (the envelop icon at the right of the page)
- Select ‘Export to EndNote’
- If you have your EndNote library open already, the references will be seamlessly transferred.
Unfortunately, you can’t download references if you search from WestlawNext.