CCM: CRSP/Compustat Merged
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CCM: CRSP/Compustat Merged
Database info
The CRSP/Compustat Merged database (CCM) provides CRSP and Compustat subscribers with a convenient way to link CRSP market and corporate action data with Compustat fundamental data. Access via Wharton Research Data Services. CRSP & Compustat Merged Database is available via the overview of CRPS datasets. Please keep in mind that not all datasets in CRSP are accessible for UM students & employees due to license restrictions. Per item, you can follow a fixed procedure to select what type of data, over what period and in what format the data should be provided. Manuals and help are available in the database via the link ‘Support’.
Access information
The WRDS interface is only accessible via a WRDS account. An account can be requested via the WRDS start page. Only regular Maastricht University email accounts are accepted. WRDS requires staff to have a UM contract. Students are no longer allowed to use the WRDS databases after their graduation. Unfortunately, UM-Alumni-accounts are excluded due to license restrictions.
Accessing the WRDS interface will require a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) by Duo Security. See the WRDS 2FA documentation & FAQ for detailed instructions and answers to common questions.
Guides & training
Introduction to Compustat | Part 1
Introduction to Compustat | Part 2
Getting Started Guide
For access to the guides and support, please log in first.