Linked Open Data in Heritage Research Workshop

23 Jan | 13.00 CET - 15.00 CET

The “Linked Open Data in Heritage Research Workshop” is a joint effort between The UM Library and The Plant. The workshop is designed for researchers, PhD students and research supporters of the UM who are eager to discover how linked open data (LOD) can amplify their work in heritage and beyond. This workshop offers an accessible introduction to the principles and benefits of LOD, ensuring participants from all levels of familiarity can grasp how it enables connections and the sharing of research data.

Learning goals
Participants will gain valuable insights through a presentation that introduces linked open data platforms such as Omeka S and Wikidata for managing and publishing digital collections, highlights the functionality of the NDE dataset register, and touches upon the foundational concepts of triple store technologies for semantic web applications. The workshop will offer an interactive opportunity to familiarise with these tools and the fundamental aspects of LOD, with a focus on how LOD can be practically implemented in their own research contexts.

Target group
The workshop is designed for researchers, PhD students and research supporters of UM who are eager to discover how linked open data (LOD) can amplify their work in heritage and beyond.

!Important!: Please bring your own laptop for the hands-on portion of the workshop.

Registration will be via Qualtrics. Please provide your name, department, position/role, any prior experience with Linked Data, research interest, specific questions or challenges that you hope to solve or learn via attending this session.

Language: English

Presentation (1:00 PM – 2:00 PM):
• Showcasing LOD in UM’s Special Collections
• Fundamentals of linked data: principles and tangible benefits
• Functional overview and demonstration of Wikidata and Omeka S, with an emphasis on how the dataset register enhances data discoverability and reusability for research

Hands-on session (2:00 PM – 2:15 PM):
During this interactive session, participants will engage in hands-on exploration of Wikidata and Omeka S.

Open Discussion (2:15 PM – 3:00 PM):
The aim is to share knowledge and best practices in LOD and platforms of Wikidata and Omeka S. Insights and questions from this session will contribute to enriching our collective understanding of the practical applications of linked open data. In this part we will have time for sharing feedbacks and insights, a Q&A segment to address questions, and summarizing key takeaways and outlining next steps.

Speakers and Discussion Session Moderator
• Odin Essers
• Maarten Coonen
• Maryam Mazaheri

Location: The Plant (FASoS, Grote Gracht 76, Maastricht, room 0.10)

More information


The Plant
Grote Gracht 76 (Room 0.10)


Registrations are provided by an external party or registration is not required for this event.