National Open Science Festival 2024

22 Oct | All Day

“Meet, share, inspire, care” is the motto of the National Open Science Festival.

The Open Science Festival will be a gathering for and by the Open Science community. Professional research support staff and researchers across all disciplines are invited. The day will be full of interactive sessions, an information market, and plenty of opportunities to mingle and meet. Participation, including lunch and dinner, is free of charge. Read more about this event on the National Open Science Festival website. 


On Monday 21 October, the day before the National Open Science Festival, the Open Science Barcamp will take center stage. This event, organised by OSC-NL, serves as an excellent complement to the festival taking place the following day, as it will be held at the same location. Its open ‘unconference’ format supports lively discussions, interesting presentations, development of new ideas, and knowledge exchange amongst peers; from participants who already use open ways of working to those relatively new to Open Science. You can register for both events on the same platform using one account. However, it is also possible to attend just one of the events.  


Sign up now for one or both events via the National Open Science Festival website. To register, you need to create a one-off account for the EventsAir platform. The maximum number of participants is 400. If there are more interested individuals than available spots, a waiting list will be used. 


School of Business and Economics (SBE)
Tongersestraat 53


Registrations are provided by an external party or registration is not required for this event.