NRIN-on-Tour at School of Business and Economics

09 Apr | 13.30 CEST - 16.30 CEST

From the Recognition & Rewards Programme to CoARA - new developments and opportunities

Join us at SBE or online for Professor Rianne Letschert’s (President of Maastricht University) reflection on the Dutch Recognition and Rewards Programme, as well as the latest developments and opportunities presented by the Dutch CoARA chapter. This event is open to the entire Dutch academic and research community. 
We will then move into a panel discussion on Diversity and Inclusion in researchers’ assessment: new initiatives and needs.

Confirmed panel members: 

  • Dr Krishma Labib – VU Amsterdam
  • Robbert Hoogstraat – University of Humanistic Studies
  • Andrea Elizondo Reyes – Leiden University
  • Dr Bruna Machado – Maastricht University

The day will finish with a networking session.

Learning objectives:

Participants will gain insights into the latest developments in the Recognition & Rewards Programme and the opportunities within the Dutch CoARA chapter. The event will also explore diversity and inclusion in researcher assessment, featuring expert discussions and networking opportunities to exchange best practices.

Target audience: 

Researchers, academics, policy advisors, and anyone involved in researcher assessment and recognition across the Dutch academic and research community.  

Language: English

Course format: Presentation, panel discussion, networking session

Registration: Please register via the NRIN registration page

Location: UM’s School of Business and Economics (SBE), Tongersestraat 53, aula (H0.01) or online (Zoom)

More information: NRIN web page



School of Business and Economics (SBE)
Tongersestraat 53 (aula, H0.01)


Registrations are provided by an external party or registration is not required for this event.