Meike Randwyck Renovation

Leading UM’s Randwyck Library Renovation: Behind the Scenes with Meike

She is already the mother of three young children – all boys! – but over the past 18 months it ... Read More
OA Publishing Workshop and coaching

New workshop & coaching: unlock the secrets of open-access publishing

Are you curious about the world of open-access publishing? We have two new opportunities to help you navigate this dynamic ... Read More
Predatory and Questionable Publishing Practices - Maastricht University

Predatory and Questionable Publishing Practices: How to recognise and avoid them

Avoid predatory journals! Check out our Open Access Publishing Guide and the recently published Predatory and Questionable Publishing Practices, and ... Read More
Randwyck Renovations

Randwyck Renewal: Paving the Path to the Library of the Future

A meeting place where people think together, work together, and socialise together. An open atmosphere that radiates tranquillity and stimulates ... Read More
A participant at a Spoken Word event. Poetry.

Celebrating World Poetry Day: A Timeless Art Form

Poetry should be celebrated every day because it allows one to see the world through different eyes. That's the sentiment ... Read More
News - DOA in the Netherlands - Maastricht University

Embracing Diamond Open Access – a national project

Diamond Open Access (DOA) is a community-driven scholarly communication model that prioritises immediate access to research while upholding author rights ... Read More
News - ORCID Pure sync - Maastricht University

ORCID update – (Re-)Authenticate your ORCID iD in our research information system Pure

In the newest release of Pure, there were several updates to Pure’s integration with ORCID. If you created a connection ... Read More
Trial for Overton database: unlocking policy insights and research impact

Trial for Overton database: unlocking policy insights and research impact

Starting this week, you can access the Overton database. We are running an institutional trial for Overton, "the world's largest ... Read More
News - Responsible Publishing - Maastricht University

Towards Responsible Publishing – cOAlition S needs your feedback

cOAlition S is seeking academic feedback on their Responsible Publishing proposal, paving the way to a community-based publishing system for ... Read More