There are a few changes to be aware of to ensure a smooth transition.
Here’s what you need to know:
- Automatic profile migration: Personal profiles will be migrated automatically to the new interface.
- Folders are now ‘Projects’ and only your main folder will be migrated: Subfolders will not be transferred. If you rely on subfolders, please contact us as soon as possible.
- Bulk export: Export up to 25.000 items in multiple formats.
- Search history: Your search history is now accessible under ‘Recent Activity’ in the left-hand menu.
- Saved searches: Only saved searches stored in the general ‘MyFolder’ will be migrated. Saved searches in subfolders will not. Check our guide to move your saved searches to ‘MyFolder’ before the update.
- Updated instruction materials: The library will update all instructional materials as quickly as possible to align with the new interface.
Want a sneak peek?
Explore the new interface: EBSCOhost Research Databases
Watch the tutorial: Introduction to the New EBSCOhost
If you have any questions or need assistance with the transition, feel free to reach out to us.