Going hybrid
On top of the above described scenarios, some faculties are experimenting with so-called Hybrid Virtual Classrooms, facilitating groups meetings physically and online at the same time.
Please note that this is not a form of blended learning. It’s rather a combination of blended learning (for the physically present students) with distance education (for the students that partake fully online).
- Make sure that if you use your laptop e.g. for showing a powerpoint or video, that students both in the room where you are as students at distance see what you share
- Think beforehand how to involve all students, e.g. have them interact via Wooclap and share the results via your laptop (if you share your screen both the students at a distance as well as the students watching a screen in the room see the output)
Assign an assistant, for instance a student, to monitor questions in the chat or take notice of students raising hands.
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Last updated: 13/09/20