Making information literacy part of academic skills development

Making information literacy part of academic skills development

23 Mar 2021

In 2020 the UM Library/EDLAB Information-Wise project came to an end. In collaboration with all faculties an evidence-informed information literacy programme was developed in which a set of complex and integrated skills including critical thinking, metacognitive thinking, problem solving, and self-regulated learning have been developed and made available via the Library Education portal.

Website, Canvas course and modules

As part of the Information-Wise project, online modules have been developed within the Maastricht University (UM) framework on information literacy. The four elements of the framework, for which the modules were developed, are Resource Discovery, Critical Assessment, Organising Information, and Creation and Communication. These modules are freely available for everyone to use.

That is why we set up an Information-Wise website with links to all modules and other related information. Have a look and let us know what you think! If you have ideas for additional topics, feel free to get in touch.

We also created a Canvas course to provide teaching staff with additional educational material to embed information literacy within their own courses. If interested, please contact Henrietta Hazen for more information and access to the course.


Author: Henrietta Hazen, coordinator Skills & Academic Support Team


This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.


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Library update

Last updated: 15/07/21