Mixing synchronous and a-synchronous activities

13 Sep 2020

In situations where you meet students on campus the blended learning wave can help you decide on activities to have students perform subsequently. In case all education takes place online, the distinction is not online vs face-to-face (f2f), but rather synchronous vs a-synchronous.

In the light of COVID-restrictions, faculties are currently creating specific scenarios based on two main scenarios:

  1. A) partly on campus (campus light) and
  2. B) fully online (virtual campus).


When partly on campus, we facilitate our education following the blended learning format, combining both face-to-face and online learning activities to create an enriched student experience. Students that are not physically present, follow their education online. In the event that there is a second lockdown, all courses will shift back to fully online.


Working on- and offline both come with specific advantages and limitations. We have found that many activities can take place online, while some aspects are difficult to emulate on screen. Click here to help you decide on designing between online and offline activities.

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Last updated: 13/09/20