DataHub Maastricht is looking for a Frontend Developer
DataHub Maastricht is looking for an energetic frontend developer who is excited by improving the user experience for our services.
DataHub Maastricht is looking for an energetic frontend developer who is excited by improving the user experience for our services.
Join the next DataHub sprint review with sprint goal “improve the customizable metadata schema interaction user experience”
Join the next DataHub sprint review with sprint goal “welcome the custom in customizable metadata”
Join the next DataHub sprint review with sprint goal ‘polish customizable metadata for release’.
Join the next DataHub sprint review with sprint goal “Get ready to customize your metadata in Maastricht Data Repository”
Join the next DataHub sprint review with sprint goal ” update the ingest procedure to work with the new customizable general metadata implementation”.
Join the next DataHub sprint review with sprint goal “Prepare for CEDAR schemas for collection metadata in Maastricht Data Repository with proper styling”.
DataHub organises a sprint review every three weeks from 1 to 2 p.m. on Tuesday. Our next sprint review meeting will take place on 12 October 2021.
The current sprint goal is “Making proper design decisions for Accessibility and Interoperability”
Join the DataHub sprint review with sprint goal “Improve accounts security”