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Trip Database

The Trip database (Trip = Turning Research Into Practice) is an EBM search engine for health professionals.

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UM Theses

UM Theses gives an overview of (a selection of) bachelor and master theses, in electronic version, written by Maastricht University students.

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This clinical information resource, enables physicians to access the most current information, recognise clinical manifestations and describe current options for diagnosis, management, and therapy (efficacy, doses, and interactions of individual drugs) / Identify optimal screening and prevention strategies.

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Web of Science (WoS)

The Web of Science (WoS) offers bibliographical access to a curated collection of over 21,000 peer-reviewed, high-quality scholarly journals published worldwide (including Open Access journals) in over 250 science, social sciences, and humanities disciplines. Conference proceedings are also available.

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WHO Library – World Health Organization Publications

The WHO Library is the world’s leading library on public health. It provides access to knowledge from WHO as well as to other sources of scientific literature produced around the world.

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WorldCat is a huge master catalogue containing citations for library materials held by more than 10,000 libraries, including the UM Catalogue.

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