Canvas theme webinars
Give us 30 minutes of your time and enrich your course
In 30 minutes, we address both didactics and the best workflow in Canvas. Each session consists of 15 minutes explanation plus 15 minutes Q&A. When you read this item, 3 webinars already took place, but more sessions are coming up and topics can be added upon request.
The sessions are suitable for course coordinators and tutors who like to learn how each Canvas feature can enrich a blended or online PBL course. Missed out on a webinar you wanted to attend? Don’t worry! The 15 minute explanation is recorded and shared on the Canvas Support Portal.
Good to know! These sessions count toward your Continuous Professional Development and are worth their time (30 minutes). More information will soon appear on EDLAB CPD website.
Impression of the first two sessions
The first two webinars focused on 1. Collaborative Group Work and 2. Designing and Guiding Discussions. Because the topics are strongly related, we combine the impression in one item.
The Canvas collaborative group area provides a safe group environment for student-directed discussion and collaboration, which tutors can access for guidance, feedback and monitoring. Students are in the lead to shape their own environment with pages and write enriched texts collaboratively. Additionally, the group area is ideal for saving and sharing files, presentations, and videos. Finally, students can set-up their own videoconferencing sessions in Zoom and Big Blue Button, and enter their own Collaborate Ultra group room for live interactive group meetings and working on the whiteboard together.
One of the participants shared:
During the first mini-webinar, we discussed how to design online collaboration in Canvas to support constructive, collaborative, contextual and self-directed learning. We identified advantages of organising group collaboration in the LMS and demonstrated how to organise it in Canvas and how to access it as a student and as a tutor.
To conclude
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