Open Education in practice

Open Education in practice

21 Feb 2022

Sometimes you need additional or more varied resources, but budget is limited. Sometimes you cooperate with colleagues from other institutes in creating educational material. Or you want to offer others than your own students the possibility to attend courses you developed.

Using open educational resources (OER) presents unique benefits for educators, as the use of OER is an invitation to adapt, personalise, and add relevancy to materials that inspire and encourage deeper learning in the classroom and across institutions.

Let us hear from our colleagues on how they embed open education in their daily practice.

Anneke van Dijk“In our students’ future profession (working in health care), good cooperation with colleagues from other professions is very important. Interprofessional training happens when two or more professionals are learning about, from and with each other in order to achieve a more effective collaboration and better healthcare. That is why Maastricht University, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and the VISTA and GILDE vocational educational institutes designed a programme in which students have the possibility to actively engage with students from diverse educational backgrounds while working at an internship institution. Students get to know each other in the workplace and learn from each other through giving feedback by and for fellow students.

I feel that this joint programme, in which creating and sharing educational material is being explored, is contributing to high quality education and better healthcare.”

Anneke van Dijk | Researcher Family Medicine at FHML


Simon Beausart“Implementing a MOOC on Learning Analytics in our master programme ‘Learning and Development in Organisations’ brought different advantages. Not only did it allow our students to be introduced into the topic of learning analytics, in an engaging and autonomy-supportive way, it also allowed students to get in touch with the wider community of learning and development professionals.

Given that the MOOC was open to both professionals as well as our students, students were all of a sudden collaborating with L&D professionals from all over the world. What a great way to bridge higher education and the workplace and at the same time, make sure the wider community knows about our programme!”

Simon Beausaert | Associate Professor Educational Research and Development at SBE

Costas Papadopoulos“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we rapidly pivoted to a good deal of online teaching and blended learning. As  a  result  of  these  circumstances,  we  were  forced  to  migrate  to  “emergency  remote teaching”.  Last year we integrated a third pedagogic pillar into our course design, that of OERs. The freely open learning materials were introduced via #dariahTeach, a peer-reviewed platform for the digital arts and humanities that my colleague, Prof. Susan Schreibman and myself, together with many EU partners have been developing in the last 8 years.

Students particularly liked the multimodal and more playful and interactive elements of these online materials (e.g., quizzes, timelines, and stop-motion videos), not only because they provided a sought-after variety but also because they could check themselves and consult the resources until they were comfortable with the knowledge and skills obtained.”

Costas Papadopoulos |Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities and Culture Studies


Leo Köhler“Visual material for anatomy education often cannot be reused, because the material is protected by copyright. This creates a problem for teachers, when preparing lectures or other educational materials such as manuals for anatomy, embryology and histology classes.

Together with the Leiden University Medical Center, we’ve been joining forces with Dutch and Flemish anatomy departments and developed an open learning platform, AnatomyTOOL. Here, anatomy teachers, students and the general public can find learning and visual materials such as anatomical drawings, 3D visualizations based on clinical CT/MRIs, videos, surgery and dissection photos, tutorials and learning/practice quizzes. The latter are regularly used as preparatory materials for classes.

I’m proud that the anatomy departments of the Netherlands and Belgium have built a curated collection of over 4,000 anatomical learning materials which now are freely available to students and provide teachers with good teaching resources.”

Leo  Köhler | Professor of Clinical Anatomy at FHML


Do you use or share OER already or offering open education to students beyond the boundaries of this university? Let us know and share your experiences!


Author: Project team Open Educational Resources (OER)


This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.


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Last updated: 04/03/22