Respect starts here: taking care of our shared home away from home

Rules (of conduct)
While visiting Inner City Library, Randwyck Library or a Learning Space, the following rules apply:
- All indoor and outdoor areas of UM are smoke-free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For more information about a smoke-free UM, read the information on the UM website.
- Parking your bicycle is only allowed in the designated places.
- Throw your trash in the trash bins. If a bin is not available right away, take your trash with you until you see one.
A shared home away from home
Rules of conduct around the Library locations
The Inner City Library is not just one of the locations for the Maastricht University (UM) community. It is also located in a residential area, which means we share the district with many neighbours. This makes us all a neighbour too to the people living in the area. Using Inner City Library as your home away from home, we ask you to respect your own home, neighbourhood and community!
We expect all visitors to respect our community and neighbourhood.
In and around ICL, keep others in mind:
- Lower your voice within the building and reduce noise when leaving Inner City Library as well.
- We foster an open community, so when you address someone about their behaviour, or when you are the one being addressed to for your behaviour, treat each other with respect.
- Limit the negative impact of smoking on your fellow students, colleagues and local residents when smoking outside the borders of the smoke-free areas, at the entrances to UM buildings or near surrounding houses.
- Do not gather in front of the doors of surrounding houses, nor block the street for passersby.
Please keep in mind that if you don’t follow the rules that apply, you may and can be fined.
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