How to log in to Wooclap

UM students and staff log in to Wooclap with their Maastricht University username and password.

Click on Get Started on the image below to see a step-by-step guide. Also, you can enlarge this guide by clicking on the enlarge-icon on the bottom right.

Create your first event with Wooclap

In order to use Wooclap, you have to create a new event. Then you can add questions and share your event with your audience.

Click on Get Started on the image below to see a step-by-step guide. Also, you can enlarge this guide by clicking on the enlarge-icon on the bottom right.


Understand the activities

Wooclap has around 20 activities divided into 3 different categories.

Wooclap categories and activities displayed in an image. You can find all the categories and activities in text under the image.

Click the image to open in new window

  • Category A: Assess level of understanding
    Multiple choice, Open question, Label an image, Find on image, Matching, Fill in the blanks, Find a number, Sorting, SCT, SCT judgment
  • Category B: Gather feedback
    Framework, Poll, Word Cloud, Brainstorming, Rating, Prioritisation
  • Category C: Showcase information
    Audio/Video, Slide, Timer, Spin the Wheel

You can read more about these activities and their benefits for education in Wooclap’s brochure:
20 Effective strategies to boost student interaction in class


Join a Wooclap training for beginners

Wooclap offers online live training and webinars for teachers to learn the basics of Wooclap (free of charge). 

You can subscribe below (opens in Notion). 

Video: Wooclap helps you better interact with your audience