Coronavirus measures at the library

Coronavirus measures at the library

16 Dec 2020

As the number of coronavirus infections is still rising, the Dutch government has announced a stricter lockdown in the Netherlands. The new measures compel us to close the libraries and learning spaces from 16 December until 19 January.

An exception is made for vulnerable students and students with a functional disability. For these students, the Inner City Library at the Grote Looiersstraat 17 will be open during the day (8.30 – 17.00). A limited number of study places is available.

Vulnerable students are students who find it difficult to study at home. These include students with a disability, students with mental or physical problems, students who feel lonely, students with caregiving responsibilities, students who are parents, and students who do not have adequate facilities to study at home. If you fall into this category, you can reserve a place via the reservation app. You are allowed to reserve one time slot per day, from 8.30 to 13.00 or from 13.00 to 17.00.

Study places are always available to students with a functional disability. If it is difficult to use the reservation app due to your disability or if all reservations are fully booked, please register for a study place via Ask Your Librarian.

Please note that the Grote Looiersstraat is closed, also for vulnerable students, from 25 December until 1 January. As of 2 January, the study places are available again.

Check our FAQ for more information. This list will be updated continuously.

Author: UM Library


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Library update


Last updated: 08/02/21