Book collections in the libraries accessible again

Book collections in the libraries accessible again

7 Jun 2021

As of 11 June, all library users are allowed again to collect material from the bookshelves at the Inner City and Randwyck libraries. We kindly ask you to search for the books in LibSearch beforehand and not to browse the shelves. You can use the self-lending machines to borrow your books.

As long as you only want to come to the library to borrow a book, you do not need to have a study place reservation. However, you do need a reservation if you want to access books that are for reference only, like books from the special collections or the Learning and Resource Centre. For books from the special collection, you can make an appointment via Ask your Librarian. For the rest, you can book a seat via our reservation system.

Please adhere to the safety measures as indicated on location, such as disinfecting your hands or wearing gloves before you take a book out of the shelves.

For students and staff who cannot come to Maastricht, it remains possible to request scans of chapters of a book via Ask your Librarian.


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Library update

  • Last updated: 09/06/21
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