We are thrilled to unveil the brand new home page for the Maastricht Data Repository. Our team has been working hard to create an experience that is both visually appealing and user-friendly. Our aim was also to enhance customer satisfaction and streamlining our user support. With the release of the new Help Center we provide users easy access to manuals and guidelines for using the Maastricht Data Repository.

Maastricht Data Repository Help Center
The manuals and guidelines in the Help Center lead users step by step through various processes, ensuring an intuitive experience. The release of the Help Center encourages self-service and enables users to resolve issues on their own. This is part of our ongoing theme to empower data stewards and improve self-service aspects of the Maastricht Data Repository. Visit the newly released Help Center. Additionally, these documents are directly available in Maastricht Data Repository via the integrated Help Center feature, which allows quick access to context relevant documents.

Changed URLs and new features
From now on, the Maastricht Data Repository home page will serve as a public website. From this website you can login to the application and you will automatically be redirected to the new URL: app.mdr.datahubmaastricht.nl. Persistent identifiers and the upload and download URLs are not affected by this change.

Data security
We understand the importance of safeguarding the data. The Maastricht Data Repository application is served in an isolated environment via app.mdr.datahubmaastricht.nl. The added security measures are still in place thus ensuring data is safely stored.

We invite you to explore our new homepage and experience the new look and feel for yourself.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.