News archive

Category: For

  • A participant at a Spoken Word event. Poetry.

    Celebrating World Poetry Day: A Timeless Art Form

    Poetry should be celebrated every day because it allows one to see the world through different eyes. That’s the sentiment echoed by Limburg poet and writer Merlijn Huntjens as International Poetry Day is celebrated worldwide today, on 21 March.

  • News - DOA in the Netherlands - Maastricht University

    Embracing Diamond Open Access – a national project

    Diamond Open Access (DOA) is a community-driven scholarly communication model that prioritises immediate access to research while upholding author rights and promoting diversity in publishing. The Diamond Open Access project in the Netherlands aims to strengthen non-profit scholarly publishing and aligns with bibliodiversity and open science principles.

  • News - ORCID Pure sync - Maastricht University

    ORCID update – (Re-)Authenticate your ORCID iD in our research information system Pure

    In the newest release of Pure, there were several updates to Pure’s integration with ORCID. If you created a connection between Pure and ORCID to synchronise your output information, now might be an excellent opportunity to reactivate the synchronisation again.

  • Trial for Overton database: unlocking policy insights and research impact

    Starting this week, you can access the Overton database. We are running an institutional trial for Overton, “the world’s largest collection of policy documents, parliamentary transcripts, government guidance and think tank research”, until 31 May 2024.

  • News - Responsible Publishing - Maastricht University

    Towards Responsible Publishing – cOAlition S needs your feedback

    cOAlition S is seeking academic feedback on their Responsible Publishing proposal, paving the way to a community-based publishing system for scholars to openly share their research and engage with innovative quality control and evaluation standards.

  • Data story: Research Software at Maastricht University

    Research software’s importance has grown across disciplines, since it is a central component when doing science in the digital age.

  • Highlights 2023

    We are excited to present the Highlights 2023, showcasing our achievements from the past year. Maastricht University Library continues to innovate itself in response to the increasing diversity of scientific information resulting from digitisation. Consequently, the library plays an active role in making scientific information available and supporting its use for education and research.

  • Logo Database Global Health

    Access to public health literature with Global Health database

    The University Library recently started offering access to the Global Health database (EBSCO). Global Health is a database that provides a truly global perspective on public health, indexing key literature not covered by other databases.

  • woman holding a book

    Talking about books X

    Professor of Digital Cultures & Associate Dean for Research at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sally Wyatt, is shining a spotlight on a book just in time for International Women’s Day: “Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men” by Caroline Criado Perez.

  • Explore and test features of DataverseNL via its demo environment

    DataverseNL, a repository available to UM researchers, provides a demo site for testing. Ideal for exploring its features and functionalities.