News archive
Category: Education
Introducing EBSCO eBooks™ Open Access Monograph Collection
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is releasing a new multidisciplinary collection of e-books containing thousands of high-quality open access (OA) e-books from the world’s most trusted university presses and scholarly publishers.
…Get started with digital exams in TestVision
Do you have digital exams coming up in October? The Digital Exams support team (DexUM) offers training for all teachers who will be using TestVision in period 1.
…Lancering van nieuwe EndNote 20 versie
Lancering van nieuwe EndNote 20 versie News overview Subscribe Lancering van nieuwe EndNote 20 versie Eindelijk, de nieuwe EndNote 20 versie is beschikbaar! Deze nieuwe software omvat een belangrijke update van functies en een belangrijke wijziging in …
…Launch of new EndNote 20 version
Finally, the renewed EndNote version is there! Check all information about where to find user instructions and how to install the programme.
…MATLAB Campus-Wide License
Looking for tools for algorithm development, data analysis, modelling and visualization? Then try the currently available MATLAB and Simulink tool.
…From migration to adoption
After a whole academic year of ‘first time in Canvas’, now all education at Maastricht University has made use of the learning management system we migrated to. Time to close down the project and Going Canvas Portal and set the gear to ‘structural support’.
…Reminder: demo sessions on making education more engaging and interactive with Wooclap
Maastricht University owns a campus-wide license for Wooclap to help teachers and students have engaging on-site and online education. Register for one of the Wooclap demo sessions on August 26 and September 8.
…Making education more engaging and interactive with Wooclap
Looking for possibilities for feedback, voting, quizzing and engaging students in your lectures and meetings? Attend our demo sessions on Wooclap to have engaging on-site and online education.
…The year of online assessments
COVID-19 led to a turning point for digitalisation of exams. How did Maastricht University cope, and what lessons have we learnt?
…The wuthering heights of online exams
Teacher’s perspective: Dimona Bartelet of University College Venlo recounts how she conquered the mountainous challenge of online exams the past year.