The Open Science Community of Maastricht University (OSCM) hosts the FAIR coffee lectures so that you can find out more about Open Science and the FAIR principles and discover how your colleagues have applied this to their research.

For this session of the FAIR Coffee lecture, on May 29 2024 at 2 pm, the OSCM invited Dr. Peter Prinsen. He is the head of Clinical Data Science at the Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation (IKNL) where he focuses on applying the FAIR principles to data in the Netherlands Cancer Registry (NCR).

The main goal of the IKNL is to reduce the impact of cancer, from the personal to the societal level. With the NCR as its core activity, IKNL enables health care professionals, researchers, policy makers and others to reflect on cancer and on palliative care. In the past years, the IKNL has worked on making the NCR more FAIR. In this presentation, Peter Prinsen will talk about why IKNL is doing that, what they have done so far, what the challenges are, and what they are planning to do in the future.

For further information and registration, visit the OSCM website.