If you’re considering publishing in these journals, you should rethink your budget and strategy. Are you curious about how this impacts you? Read on to learn how to navigate these changes and avoid potential publishing pitfalls.

The news: Wiley’s journal transition to Gold Open Access

Wiley has announced that several of its hybrid journals will become fully Gold Open Access starting in 2025.

The journals involved in this transition are:

While only three journals are currently involved, there is a trend. Other publishers are making similar moves, often without timely announcements. This shift means these journals will no longer publish articles under a (reader-paid) subscription license and will likely exit the existing Library Read & Publish (APC discount) deals.

This change could significantly impact your publishing budget, as fully OA journals require you to cover APCs without the benefit of these discounts.

Understanding APC discount deals

The Library offers several Article Processing Charge (APC) discount deals, which you can explore through our Open Access Journal Browser and Publishing Deals and Discounts Overview.

These deals cover many journals and articles but are not all-encompassing. Most of our discount deals stem from previous subscription licenses. These Read & Publish agreements combine reading access with complimentary APC discounts.

For fully open-access journals, which are free to read, we can only negotiate complimentary APC discounts as with hybrid journals with substantial additional payments. At most, we can negotiate a discount without covering the publishing fees.

Understanding open-access publishing costs

Publishing costs are research costs and should be part of the research budget.

There is no central or Library budget for publication costs, and we can’t arrange publishing deals with open-access publishers like Plos or Frontiers within the library budget. At most, we can arrange discounts for specific collections with additional financial support from faculties.

Always consult your project or budget manager before submitting to an open-access journal that charges APCs and is outside our APC discount deals. Open-access journals operate without a subscription, meaning you must pay their APC, if applicable when they accept your article for publication. A publishing budget is usually available if your research has external funding, especially if the funder mandates open access.

Be mindful of flipping journals. Journals might be part of the Library’s discount deals; however, they often leave the agreement after transitioning to fully OA, and the discount no longer applies to that specific title. This change might occur months before the official transition, as announced on the journal’s website.


What you can do: strategies for authors

To minimise the risk of unexpected costs, we recommend the following steps:

Before submission:

  • Check for discounts: Use the Open Access Journal Browser to see if a discount deal is available. Verify eligibility and workflows to take advantage of these deals. We will update the browser with information as soon as we know about journal flips or the exhaustion of the APC subsidy.
  • Stay informed: Regularly visit the journal’s homepage for announcements regarding changes or transitions and the effective dates.
  • Consult your project or budget manager: If the journal charges APCs, discuss publication costs with your project or budget manager. Consider another journal on your shortlist.

Upon Acceptance:

  • Reconfirm discounts: Ensure that the APC discount is still available and applicable.
  • Verify journal status: Confirm that the journal remains part of any discount deals.

By staying proactive and informed, you can better manage your publishing strategy and budget during journal transitions. And if you have questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact our Scholarly Communications team.


Key takeaways

  • Stay Updated: Regularly check for announcements about journal transitions to fully Gold OA.
  • Verify Discounts: Always confirm the availability of APC discounts before and after submission.
  • Consult Budget Managers: Discuss potential costs with your project or budget manager to ensure adequate funding.
  • Use Resources: Leverage the Open Access Journal Browser and Publishing Deals and Discounts Overview for guidance.
  • Be Flexible: Be prepared to adjust your journal selection if necessary.

Test your knowledge about flipping journals (FAQ)

What is a flipping journal?

A flipping journal is a publication that transitions from a subscription-based or hybrid model to fully Gold Open Access, often affecting its inclusion in APC discount deals.

How can I determine if a journal is part of a discount deal?

You can use the Open Access Journal Browser and Publishing Deals and Discounts Overview to check if a journal is part of a discount deal.

What should I do if a journal I want to publish in is flipping to Gold OA?

Before submission, check for available discounts, stay informed about changes, and consult your project or budget manager regarding potential costs.

Are there any central funds available to cover APCs?

Currently, there is no central or Library budget for publication costs. Researchers should plan for these expenses within their research budget or find coverage within the faculty.

How can I stay informed about changes in journal status?

Regularly visit the journal’s homepage and contact our Scholarly Communications team for updates and guidance.

You can also subscribe to our monthly Research Support Update (public) or follow and discuss topics in our Open Access (OA) & Open Educational Resources (OER) UMployee group (intranet).


Thanks for reading our posts and tips about academic publishing and Open Access. If you have questions about this post or want to discuss its content, see below for all contact options of the Scholarly Communications team at Maastricht University Library.

Ron Aardening, Scholarly Communication & Publishing.

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