UM roadmap for project proposals in the 2020 OCW/SURF tender

UM roadmap for project proposals in the 2020 OCW/SURF tender

4 Oct 2020

Just before summer, we shared the call for proposals on Open and Online Education. In addition we now inform you on the UM roadmap for those considering applying for a grant.

Activities and dates

  • SURF organised a general information session about the tender process and preconditions in June. Find here a summary of the first SURF webinar ‘Basics of the incentive scheme’ and the used presentations (in Dutch).
  • SURF offers two webinars to support institutions in their preparation of an application (combined for both pillars) on 15 September and 8 October (both taking place in Dutch).
  • 12 November: the UM EduGrant community offers a workshop for those who want to apply for a grant and are interested in receiving feedback and advice on their proposal.
  • 1 December: UM deadline for sending your (near to final) proposal to your faculty advisor, in order to ensure enough time for reviewing, adapting and finishing the final proposal and acquiring signatures from faculty and Executive board.
  • Final proposals can be submitted until 15 December, 12.00 via a dedicated link .
  • On 1 May 2021, the Minister of OCW will decide on granting the projects.​


UM EduGrant Community – for better proposals and sustainable projects

Maastricht University has been successful 5 years in a row in acquiring OCW/SURF grants, and we hope to continue to build on this success. The UM EduGrant community aims to work towards stronger, innovative and sustainable projects, and join forces where applicable. One way to do so is share lessons learned with previous applicants.

Workshop for OCW/SURF proposals

The UM EduGrant community offers a workshop for those who want to apply for a grant in the OCW/SURF tender on Open & Online Education and are interested in receiving feedback and advice on their proposal. In preparation for the workshop, each participant needs to have written a complete (draft) proposal making use of the SURF format (ready first week of November) and review the proposal of (max) 2 fellow participants.

Please show you interest as soon as possible by sending an email to your faculty funding advisor. Based on the amount of applicants and given the COVID-restrictions, we will decide whether we organise a session on location or online. You will receive a timely reminder about the deadline for sending in your proposal and the location (Maastricht).


Looking for inspiration?

Take a look at the UM website on Online Education, to find out what we at Maastricht University already know and do in the context of online education.

In the week of 6th to 10th of July 2020, EDLAB offered a series of 4 webinars on the topic of Online Education in collaboration with colleagues from the University Library, the Language Centre and the Faculty of Sciences & Engineering. These webinars were designed to help teaching staff prepare for redesigning their courses and adapting their teaching for (partial or fully) online delivery in 2020/2021.  You can watch the recordings of these live webinars and will find other useful materials referred to in each session.

In addition to practices we know at Maastricht University, the OCW/SURF incentive scheme facilitated many other Dutch Higher Education institutes to experiment with online education. Try not to reinvent the wheel and make use of proven technology and experiences on how to embed these optimally in (your) education. Get the best out of what others already learned in previous projects (all OCW/SURF projects).

Author: Gaby Lutgens, Team Coordinator Blended PBL Support at UM Library


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