
After many fights with PubMed and other search engines, we got great help to solve our issues and to make our search more comprehensive.

Unfortunately, not all PubMed-fights could be resolved but I’m still more confident about the search that we ended up with!

Kelly Stewart

PhD student Complex Genetics

The librarian gave me some very practical tips, for example using EndNote and posed some critical questions that made my approach much more robust and easier to reproduce.

At the end of my scoping study, I presented it again to the librarian. I found his tips and assessment of my work, in a relatively short time, very valuable.

Annelies Van Der Ham

PhD student Health Services Research

The subject of my thesis has only been tentatively explored in the scholarly literature. As such, I’ve had some trouble finding useful academic sources.

The librarian came to the rescue by suggesting some useful ways of tracing relevant publications (snowballing) but also helped me brush up on my search strategy and offered tips on making it more efficient.

Gili Yaron

PhD student

Ilona and I received some good personal help when developing our search strategy for a systematic review.

It is recommendable to consult the library when starting a systematic review.

Sacha Verjans & Ilona Van De Kolk

PhD students Health Promotion

The library staff was very helpful and showed me the ins and outs of a good literature search in the relevant databases of my research field. It is great to get tips from an expert, who is enthusiastic to help you out.
Dorit Teuscher

PhD student