After completion of (all) the online module(s) of each theme, the PhD candidate should register for a multidisciplinary session connected to the theme. There are on site and online multidisciplinary sessions. External PhD candidates who do not have the opportunity to attend on site sessions, can attend the online sessions. The online modules are open to anyone, but the multidisciplinary sessions are reserved for PhD students of Maastricht University.

Graduate schools or faculties may offer additional courses. Participation in the UM general PhD trainings does not exempt PhD students from participating in any other mandatory courses.

Please read the practical information below, for more information and instructions

Practical information about the UM general PhD trainings

A training programme has been set up at the initiative of the Research Platform (a meeting of the Vice Deans of research, chaired by the rector) and in collaboration with the graduate schools. All PhD candidates are highly encouraged to participate in the training programme. It is mandatory to participate for internal and external PhD candidates that started after January 1st 2024. For some graduate schools or research institutes, it was already obligatory at an earlier date.

The UM general PhD trainings focus on three themes that are of interest to all PhDs of Maastricht University. Each theme is addressed in online module(s) and an interactive multidisciplinary session. In these sessions, PhD candidates of different disciplines can exchange views and broaden their perspective on the themes. Because of the basic nature of the training courses, we advise the PhD candidates to schedule them in the first year of their PhD. PhD candidates who are at a more advanced stage of their PhD track are also welcome to follow the training courses.
The online modules are open to anyone, but the multidisciplinary sessions are reserved for PhD students of Maastricht University.

Please only subscribe to the multidisciplinary sessions, when all online modules associated with one theme have been completed. There are on site and online multidisciplinary sessions. External PhD candidates who do not have the opportunity to attend on site sessions, can attend the online sessions.

PhD candidates receive a certificate after participating in the multidisciplinary session.


In case of any questions, you can e-mail

Research Ethics and Integrity

Interactive, multidisciplinary session

Sign up for the multidisciplinary session when all online modules have been completed

Open Science

Interactive, multidisciplinary session

Sign up for the multidisciplinary session when all online modules have been completed

Science Communication

Interactive, multidisciplinary session

Sign up for the multidisciplinary session when all online modules have been completed

Other suggested courses for PhD candidates