OEEUL – Oxford Encyclopedia of EU LawOEEUL provides an analytical overview of European Union law. The Encyclopedia has been published as part of the Oxford Public International Law services. Articles address a focused range of subjects that seek to provide the best coverage of the essence, character, development, and history of European Union law. |
OPIL – Oxford Public International LawOxford Public International Law (OPIL) is a comprehensive, single-location gateway for international law research, offering integrated access to all of Oxford’s international law services. |
OpMaatOnline platform waarin de volledige teksten van officiële overheidspublicaties, wetteksten en rechterlijke uitspraken te raadplegen zijn. Inclusief de module OpMaat Bestuursrecht. |
Orbis Intellectual PropertyOrbis Intellectual Property combines company and patent information for intellectual property research and strategy such as publication information, ownership, industry and patent classifications, oppositions, and patent value. Data on M&A deals and corporate structures is included in Orbis IP as well. |
ORIL – Oxford Reports on International LawOxford Reports on International Law brings together decisions on public international law from international law courts, domestic courts, and ad hoc tribunals. |
OSAIL – Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International LawOxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law provides online editions of leading classic reference works and treatises on a wide variety of topics on public international law, published by Oxford University Press. |
Overheid.nlOverheid.nl is de officiële website van de Nederlandse overheid en biedt toegang tot wetten, regelgevingen, beleidsdocumenten, en andere officiële publicaties. |
Oxford Scholarship Online (Law Collection)Oxford Scholarship Online provides access to the books published by Oxford University Press. The Library currently subscribes to the subject collection: Law. |
OXIO – Oxford International OrganizationsOXIO is a database specialised in international institutional law. It provides access to primary materials and expert analysis on the law governing international organisations |
Patent databasesA lot of patent data is freely available on the internet. A selection of commonly used patent databases is listed in this section. |