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Invert: Index van de Nederlandstalige Verpleegkundige Tijdschriftliteratuur

Invert is een databank met uitgebreide beschrijvingen van artikelen uit Nederlandstalige verpleegkundige tijdschriften en mededelingenbladen van de landelijke verpleegkundige beroepsverenigingen.

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Investor-State LawGuide

Investor-State LawGuide (ISLG) is a comprehensive research tool in the area of investment treaty arbitration containing rules, conventions, bilateral investment treaties, free trade agreements and much more.

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InView Essential (formerly known as Kluwer Navigator)

InView Essential – only in Dutch – is a legal portal providing access to Dutch legislation, commentaries, case law and legal journals.

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JCR – Journal Citation Reports (Web of Science)

Journal Citation Reports is a resource for journal evaluation, providing a systematic means of determining the relative importance of science journals within their subject categories. Impact factors drawn from over 12.000 journals worldwide from the Science Citation Index and the Social Sciences Citation Index.

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Jesuit Online Bibliography

The Jesuit Online Bibliography is a free, collaborative, multilingual, and fully searchable database of bibliographic records for scholarship in Jesuit Studies produced in the 21st century.

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JoVE – Journal of Visualized Experiments

JoVe video journal contains high-quality video demonstrations of experiments with a detailed text protocol and JoVE Science education video collections to teach and learn key concepts and fundamental techniques at the undergraduate course level.

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Jstor is an archive of top academic journals and e-books. Available collections: Mathematics and Statistics, Life Sciences and Arts and Sciences. It only offers back issues.

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Klinische Diagnostiek

De website ontsluit opnieuw de belangrijkste klinische probleemstellingen en legt heldere verbanden met aanvullend diagnostisch onderzoek.

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Kluwer Arbitration

Kluwer Arbitration is a fully-searchable database with materials in the field of International Commercial Arbitration primary and secondary source resources. It contains international and national arbitration conventions, rules, legislation, and decisions.

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Kluwer Competition Law

Kluwer Competition Law is an online resource for EU and international competition law research. It contains a collection of primary source material (legislation, decisions and case law), with commentaries and analysis for research covering EU and international competition law and practice tools.

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