Help creating your course in Canvas

30 Sep 2020

We can imagine that due to other priorities in the context of distance, hybrid and blended educational scenarios, you have not yet been able to get acquainted with all the possibilities and find out how Canvas can add value to your course.

Room for improvement

While all period 1 courses (almost 600!) make use of a Canvas course, we observe that some Canvas courses only refer to an external document or website instead of getting the best out of Canvas. What we also know is that a substantial part of the (period 1) coordinators used our transition service (creating a Canvas course by our Helpdesk, based on the earlier used Blackboard/EleUM course). And although the transition service is still available for period 2 courses, we gradually expect course coordinators to take over themselves.

Both might mean that staff still needs to dive into the system themselves to find out what options Canvas offers later this year.


Help creating your course in Canvas

Next to the Canvas helpdesk, faculty support and the transition service, you probably want to dive into Canvas yourselves. Therefore, we offer a varied training offer:

  • a self-paced training course – to take anytime anyplace – to give you a first impression of Canvas and get to know the Canvas basics and the choices Maastricht University (UM) made in setting-up the environment. The Canvas training course is highly recommended to prepare for the Canvas Transition workshop or the intake interview for the Transition Service. To gain access, login to Canvas with your UM credentials.
  • a 2-hour (online) workshop in which you will start creating your own Canvas course builds upon the basics from the individual self-paced training course (or your first experiences in Canvas) and involves a great deal of live Q&A.
  • a series of themed webinars building upon your first experiences creating and using Canvas in your education. In 30 minutes, we will address both didactics and the best workflow in Canvas.

Find our complete training offer, pick your choice and register right away!

Author: Ilse Sistermans, Blended PBL Support


This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.


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Library update

Last updated: 30/09/20