Action Required

After 22 January 2024, access your account using Qualtrics Login.


For any issues or assistance, reach out to your division administrators. They are available to provide the necessary support and guidance. You can find the division administrators contact list here: Division Administrators Support.
For questions or concerns, feel free to contact the Brandadmin team Qualtrics via Ask Your Librarian.

Configuration and Surveys

Rest assured, this change will not impact your current configuration or any surveys within your Qualtrics account. All settings and surveys will remain unchanged, with the only adjustment being the login method.

New to Qualtrics?

For those who may be unfamiliar with Qualtrics, it is a worldwide leading survey tool, in terms of functionalities, security and privacy measures and the only centrally supported survey tool at Maastricht University (UM). Other tools might be less safe, and use of these tools is not compliant with the privacy laws (GDPR), as UM does not have a data processing agreement with the companies running those services. If you have not used Qualtrics before, explore its capabilities and get started by visiting the Qualtrics webpage of the library.