Pure: UM's Current Research Information System

Library+ Research update - August 2021

Pure: UM’s Current Research Information System

25 Aug 2021

Pure is UM’s research information system. Scientific and professional publications and talks, activities, and press content related to Maastricht University research and researchers can be registered.


Pure serves three purposes at once:

  1. A repository to make publications available Open Access.[su_spacer]
  2. A display window to the outside (academic) world to show our output. This role of Pure can be of specific value to ease the creation of an overview of research activities for funding applications, enhance opportunities for (international) collaboration, and improve findability and visibility of UM researchers, their research work, and indications of its impact.[su_spacer]
  3. A rich source of UM research outputs for research assessments on various levels.


How the Pure support team helps you

  • With the help of the faculty key-users, we search for and import publication-metadata automatically from numerous sources such as Web of Science and PubMed;[su_spacer]
  • We enrich metadata by using external databases, such as Web of Science and Unpaywall;[su_spacer]
  • To improve findability and accessibility, the library facilitates adding an identifier (DOI) to publications published by Maastricht University, such as dissertations, lectures, working papers and reports;[su_spacer]
  • We ensure that Pure is fully optimised to be indexed by service providers like Google and Google Scholar. Moreover, Narcis, the National Library, the National Resolver, and OpenAIRE, OpenDOAR and WorldCat all harvest or aggregate metadata from Pure and make you and your research output better findable and accessible;[su_spacer]
  • For researchers participating in “You share, we take care“, we add articles that are published behind a paywall (not open access) to the repository and make these articles available to the world (green open access) six months after publication. All Dutch universities provide this service in alignment with the Dutch copyright law;[su_spacer]
  • We explore and pilot possibilities for automatic import of other output types.


How you can optimise your information and the registration of your work for better findability and visibility online [su_spacer]

  • For FHML scholars, the faculty centrally arranges data entry in Pure. Other UM researchers can log in to Pure and create, update, and correct their researcher profiles.[su_spacer] Pure eases this process by automatically retrieving research outputs from relevant internal and external databases. You can add additional content yourself by using various templates, such as journal publications, conference contributions or datasets. You can reveal a more comprehensive image of your expertise by enhancing your profile with additional information on your scholarly activities, funding, and other areas.[su_spacer] A complete researcher profile also makes you better discoverable by potential collaborators, both internally and externally. Check the Pure user guide for more information on how to do this.[su_spacer]
  • Make sure you always add a DOI or a link to the published version of your articles in Pure. For more information about DOIs, see the section on Persistent Identifiers in this newsletter.[su_spacer]
  • Register for an ORCID (if you haven’t already got one) and synchronise your ORCID with Pure to automatically synchronise your output information in Pure with your ORCID profile.

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Library+ Research update – August 2021 news & events

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