Towards 100% Open Access

Submit suggestions for a new national Open Access plan – Your contribution counts

15 Mar 2021

The National Program Open Science (NPOS) is working on a new multi-year Open Access plan. Do you have ideas, or do you experience bottlenecks on the way to 100% Open Access? Let us know, or respond to the linked recent feasibility studies before 31 March.

Feasibility studies

The Dutch ambition is 100% Open Access. Universities, colleges, academic hospitals, medical organisations, TO2 institutes and the Rijkskennisinstellingen have worked hard on this.

In recent months, Pleiade Management & Consultancy, in collaboration with Research Consulting, conducted several studies into how the Netherlands can take the final steps towards 100% Open Access in a sustainable manner. These studies made a distinction between research articles and academic books. Pleiade has also conducted a study into alternative publication platforms to strengthen open access and open science policy.

The studies show that the path to 100% Open Access requires a different use of financial resources and should address international partnerships and developments. Another conclusion from the reviews is that structural investments are necessary to facilitate various Open Access routes and enable innovations in the publication landscape through alternative publication platforms.


A new national Open Access strategy

The reports form an essential basis for a renewed open access strategy. This strategy will become part of the National Program Open Science (NPOS) multi-year plan and the Open Access policy’s starting point for other parties involved, such as universities and research institutions.

In the coming months, the reports and the input from consultations will form the basis of the steps to take on new agreements between all parties involved.


[ps2id id=’studies’ target=”/]More information and downloads (in Dutch)


Your contribution

Maastricht University and MUMC + are involved in the consultations. So you are strongly invited to share your ideas and feedback about the reports, the current state of affairs and possible actions regarding 100% open access with us until 29 March 2021.

A few suggestions to help you think about your relationship with Open Access:

  • What are your experiences with open access publishing?
  • What is holding you back to publish your work open access?
  • If anything was possible, what would open access publishing look like?
  • What would really make a difference for you?
  • What can UM, MUMC+ and the University Library do to help you publish all your work open access?
  • What can be organised nationally, for all universities, to help you publish all your work open access?

You can use the feedback form below or send your reaction via email to the University Library Research Support team via Ron Aardening.


Your feedback and suggestions

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Thanks in advance for sharing your ideas and thoughts!


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