by Ron Aardening | 20 Mar 2024 | News, Research, Research Support Update
In the newest release of Pure, there were several updates to Pure’s integration with ORCID. If you created a connection between Pure and ORCID to synchronise your output information, now might be an excellent opportunity to reactivate the synchronisation again.
by Ron Aardening | 25 Aug 2021 | no template, Publishing, Research
Pure is more than just UM’s research information system. You can use it to make you and your work better findable and accessible. Find out how Pure and the Research Support team can help you boost your academic profile.
by Chantal Machiels | 14 Jan 2021 | News, no template, Research
The sender address of the Pure alerts and updates has changed to This change of address ensures that these PURE messages can nog longer be identified as spam, which sometimes happened in the past.