Gaby Odekerken-Schröder is Professor in Customer-Centric Service Science and Associate Dean Internationalisation and Impact at the UM School of Business and Economics. Her message to the UM community? Less words and more visuals!  “We live in a visual world. And why would we teach people and research without using visuals? Let’s benefit from what is out there”, Gaby states.

Gaby presents various examples of how visuals can be integrated into daily work, enhancing understanding and engagement. She calls for a reduction in word-heavy communications in favour of more visual content, aligning with modern trends and cognitive preferences.


For those interested in exploring this approach further, the book “Visual Doing” by Willemien Brand is available in print through LibSearch:

Retrieve the print book

The series

In the series Talking about books, enthusiastic readers and authors promote their favourite book. Watch the video’s in this series and discover books you did not yet know of. Every 6 to 8 weeks, a new video will be uploaded to the UM Library YouTube channel.

Are you a student, staff member, teacher or researcher at UM and do you want to talk about your favourite book in the UM Library collection? Or do you know someone from the UM community who would like to contribute to the series? Let us know!