Upcoming activities

14 Dec 2020

Canvas offers many functionalities you can use to facilitate teaching and learning processes. You can think of communicating with your students, groups for students to work in, assignments, and quizzes. The standard needs so to say. But what if your course needs something specific?

Methods and tools

It is nice to have a LMS available that fits the needs of most UM courses, but how can we think along when you choose teaching and learning activities in your course, which require specific facilities?

A way to get inspired about tools fitting educational methods is to make use of the Tool wheel, which starts with activities you want your students to perform.

Additional tools in Canvas

One of the reasons we decided for Canvas as the new learning management system was the ease it connects to other tools and applications.

At the moment a limited number of tools is already integrated in Canvas. You can find these on the Canvas Support portal or look back to items in previous newsletters introducing tools already available on plagiarism detection, conferencing tools, Roll call (for taking attendance) or additional tools for facilitating interaction and peer feedback with FeedbackFruits.

Keeping Canvas future proof

Canvas puts effort in constantly developing additional tools or options. Some of them are on our agenda to make available to you in the near future.

Mentioned before, but still on our to-do list is the Syllabus print option. Another topic is how students can build an e-portfolio within Canvas. That is why we plan to pilot with a portfolio-system early this spring.

This list will surely grow longer in the future. If you have a request for a new tool please contact your Faculty Canvas support.

Author: Canvas Support Team



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Library update

Last updated: 14/12/20

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